Saturday, May 16, 2020

Global Warming Threating Lifes - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1004 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/03/14 Category Ecology Essay Level High school Tags: Global Warming Essay Did you like this example?   I have watched the movie The Day After Tomorrow and it shows us fictionally what could happen as the worst possibility if we keep ignoring global warming. Jack Hall is the main climatologist in the movie and he goes to U.N. officials to present his environmental concerns, but he was tossed aside by most of the people. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Global Warming Threating Lifes" essay for you Create order He said in the movie that â€Å"the government needed to start making long-term preparations now,† before it was too late. Then after they tossed him aside his research and all the estimations that he made came true. Later a massive â€Å"superstorm† developed setting off a chain of devastating natural disasters throughout the world. By the time anyone realized what was happening most everyone was dead, billions of lives and places in ruin. This movie sparked my interest because there are scientific facts and important people telling us that we are straining our resources and our environment. Yet we keep on throwing their concerns out the window, and that has real life consequences. Global warming is harmful to us and the environment and if we don’t start taking better care of the planet now then we will have big problems to face such as, more frequent and intense weather, higher sea levels, and wildlife extinction rates will continue to rise. Global warming has many consequences, one of which is causing more frequent and intense weather to occur. We all know or recognize that seasons and temperatures have changed since each of us were kids. I remember as a child that it would be fall September through November and then winter would come in December. Now it starts to get cold October through November and we have barely even had any of the fall season. Based on figure ones graph it shows that the average surface temperature for the whole globe has increase from the 1850’s through 2011. The graph states that there has been much more of an increase in the twentieth century. From that graph alone it shows us that the climate has changed and has gone up a lot since we first started taking weather and climate measurements. â€Å"The work of climatologists has found evidence to suggest that only a limited number of factors are primarily responsible for most of the past episodes of climate change on the earth. These factors include: Volcanic eruptions, Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations, and Variations in solar output.† (Patel et al.217). Studies have shown a link between carbon dioxide in the air and the mean of worldwide temperature. The efforts of scientists that study climate and weather have shown that a small quantity of factors are mainly accountable for most of the globes climate change events. Those factors are differences in solar output, differences in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and eruptions from volcanos. Admission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is one of the leading causes of global warming. Over the past centuries we the people have noticed a spike in temperature and a difference in seasons. My cousin told me the other day that when you go to New York the air is so polluted that it fills like you are breathing through maple syrup, it is that thick. Another consequence of global warming is rising sea levels. Researchers started keeping records on how the climate was impacting the arctic ice over a century ago. â€Å"Near Prince Rupert, the ocean rose 12 cm between 1909 and 1999, and sea surface temperatures have risen as much as 1.8 degrees C off the coast. Some provincial glaciers have receded 1,100 metres in the past century.†(Pynn and Baglole 3). Most of the world’s ice from glaciers is found in two areas Antarctica and Greenland. Since we only have two beautiful places where glaciers are still found we should want to preserve the ice as much as possible. Sea levels are rising at a high percentage rate and the ice is melting. If we don’t reduce global climate change the ice and glaciers will keep melting and by the time we wake up the problem will be past solving. Thank of it this way, the more ice that melts the less space the world has for land. Water takes up more space than ice, so when the ice melts, the water will likely take up twice the space of the ice. â€Å"In 2005, the ice cap covering the Arctic Ocean shrank to its smallest size since researchers began keeping records a century ago.†(Lonny 24). Some people are asking if the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere will later own cause the ocean to turn acidic. The ocean has a pH of roughly 8.2 which means that it is alkaline. Alkaline means that something has a pH of 7 or higher. Logically since the earth’s oceans have never had acid in them since the beginning of time it stands to reason that acid shouldn’t be in them in the future. The ocean holds a lot more heat than the atmosphere, because of this ocean temperature is more vital than land temperature. Additionally, another consequence of global warming, that isn’t discussed a lot is wildlife extinction rates. Global warming is endangering a lot of different species around the globe. Endangered species most commonly affected by global warming are most commonly found near colder parts of the globe. We are using greenhouse gases, and in turn we are killing our environment and all the amazing, wonderful, and beautiful creatures that live there. If we don’t start to protect our environment and the animals that live there in the future, there won’t be anything to take our kids to see. There will not be any species left to admire and protect or any wildlife to capture the beauty of. We need to cherish and protect this beautiful earth that God created. â€Å"With the increase in global temperature, the glaciers of the poles melt at faster rate than ever. At this rate, the habitats for the polar bear, penguin, harp seal, snow goose etc are shrinking.†(Athena Information Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 1)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Observational Experience Why Do Usually People Eat Out...

OBSERVATIONAL EXPERIENCE Statutory warning: All the observatory views in my document are based on my attempt to understand the human dynamics. this observation is not a write-up to discourage any behavior of human or business. Any similarities are purely coincidental Background: Why do usually people eat out at a restaurant? Because people want to eat something different that they can’t cook or they want ones favorite dish to be cooked, want to party with friends, have a beautiful time with family out of house or just to break the monotony of eating at home. Such factors are leading to eat out at restaurants, but the standard choice of restaurant selection will be based on quality and customer service. Assignment: About half million Indian’s who live America dine at a full service Indian restaurant every day , as Indian cuisine is my favorite cuisine and being an Indian by my ethnicity has made me to choose this observation, moreover variety of foods offered today at such an diversified environment can give one a wide choice to choose from. What I am gping to do here is to express some of my observations and experiences about the human dynamics, food choices and how the food is eaten by people at an Indian Restaurant. Observation: I started my observation on19th of April Saturday at 6:00pm in a local Indian restaurant in the greater Dayton Area which continued over for an hour. During this observation I could say that I saw more than 40 people. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dream Interpretation Essay Example For Students

Dream Interpretation Essay December 7, 1999It Was Only a DreamShe awakens in the night, the visions from her mind still vivid. The dream was amazingly realistic. A long hallway stretched before her. Several doors lined the hallway, each with a padlock. A ring full of keys weighed heavily in her hand. What did it all mean? Did this hallway symbolize her life? The doors could have meant many things, possibly the choices she faces daily. As she drifts back to sleep, thoughts of the dream cloud her mind. She hopes to remember it in the morning and search for answers. The description of this woman could match any number of people. Years of research have produced findings that everyone dreams. While not everyone may remember his or her dreams, sleep studies have shown that each person does dream as he or she progresses through the stages of sleep. Whether or not these dreams contain any significant meaning for the dreamer is a source of arguments today, as well as in years past. An in depth study of dream interpreta tion will reveal the benefits of exploring the meanings behind dreams. To begin this study, it is helpful to first understand the different aspects of sleep. In Atkinsons Introduction to Psychology book, she states that sleep contains five stages, including four depths of sleep and a fifth stage, known as rapid eye movement (REM) (193). In various sleep studies, most adults go through all stages during their normal sleeping hours. While they drift from one stage of sleep to another, activity in the brain increases and decreases. However, this study is interested mostly in the fifth stage, REM sleep. Individuals incur a great amount of details during the course of any given day, including dates, places, times and people. During REM sleep, the brain creates a story line that allows this large volume of events to be stored and remembered in a coherent form, albeit at an unconscious level (Chopra 107). REM occurs at different times throughout an individuals time asleep, and consumes from thirty minutes up to two hours of an individuals non-waking moments. E very individual is subject to REM sleep, and some suffer from REM Sleep Disorder. The disorder involves a severe attachment to a persons dreams. Dotto reports that while sufferers consist mostly of men over fifty years of age, it can affect anyone. She also states that research has discovered that 60% of the disorder is due to aging, while 40% can be blamed on neurological problems (119). This disorder is no laughing matter. One case in England resulted in a man shooting his new bride to death while he was dreaming of being pursued by gangsters (Maas 161). The severity of this problem is treatable with medication; but sufferers are encouraged to sleep in protected surroundings, with no sharp objects in the room, and no open windows. With a better understanding of REM sleep, progression can be made toward the history of dreams and the study of their meanings. In Restful Sleep, Chopra relates that dreams were first believed to tell the future of entire communities (102). The Bible als o gives evidence of the importance to dreams. Joseph was told about Mary carrying the Christ child during a dream. At the beginning of recorded history, and for the millennia thereafter, dreams were considered divine messages in virtually every religious culture (Maguire 2). Thus, the importance of dreams to a vast array of cultures was made quite evident from a very early time. However, not everyone believes in the importance of dreams. Some scientists today attach almost no importance to dreams. They are only random thoughts drifting into our minds during sleep, no serious relationship to our waking life (Kavey 33). While some of the arguments presented may have validity, the benefits of dream study and interpretation far outweigh the possible conflicts these studies uncover. For instance, the Journal of Mental Health Counseling published a study concerning ways dream interpretation could benefit individuals with mental health disturbances. The elements of a dream should be examin ed in detail for two reasons. First, the dream is a symbolic depiction of something in the clients inner world. The second reason for exploration is that the dreamer often does not remember all of the dreams elements at its first telling (Barrineau). By delving into the contents and meanings of these dreams, the mental health professional may be able to better understand the patients underlying problem, thus allowing more appropriate and effective treatment. Additionally, exploring childrens dreams can be very beneficial when a child begins having problems in his or her daily life. Childrens dreams often hold clues to the same anxieties and insecurities that plague their parents (MacGregor 69). Children can gain approval of dream sharing when encouraged to do so by the adults they live with. In The Everything Dreams Book, MacGregor states If they live in households where dream sharing is simply a part of the family routine, theyll be more apt to remember and relate their dreams (69) . Therefore, parental encouragement is key to helping unlock the mysteries contained in a childs dream. Dream study can also give the counselor or parent a handle on what type of dreams the child is experiencing. For example, nightmares make up one element of dreams. A person suffering from a nightmare may wake up scared, experiencing heavy breathing and a racing heart. Chopra states this person will recall the dream in its entirety with a lot of detail. He also writes that themes are frequent in nightmares (109). Often, nightmare sufferers experience the feeling of pursuit, of falling, or of dying. Perhaps a person exposed to frequent nightmares will find a study in dream interpretation especially helpful as a start toward a smoother nights sleep. A person tormented with repeated nightmares may wish to end them because nightmares can influence how you feel and how you behave the following day (103). Thus, putting an end to the torment would be essential to that individuals well bei ng, both personally and professionally. Nightmare sufferers could benefit from the knowledge of how to begin exploring those dreams. History of Culinary Arts EssayLike the moon reflecting the sun, our dreams reflect our daylight life, but they also have an independent existence (Maguire 1). A persons dreams can reveal as little or as much as he or she would like, depending on how open that person is to exploring the subject matter contained in his or her dreams. Dream journals are an excellent beginning, even if detailed dream interpretation is not the desired goal. Participants of journalizing will be amazed at the themes and topics discovered after several nights. Learning what dreams mean is a daunting task, but well worth the effort for those interested in finding answers to questions raised by such dreams. Works CitedAtkinson, Rita et al. Hilgards Introduction to Psychology. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Company, 1996. Barrineau, Phil. A Re-examination of the Role of Dreams. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 18 Oct 1999., Deepak. M.D. Restful Sleep. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1994. Dream Basics. 15 Oct 1999. Dotto, Lydia. Losing Sleep. New York: William Morrow Company, 1990. Johansen, Erin. CD-Rom Helps People Interpret Their Own Dreams. Business Journal (Phoenix). 24 April 1998., Neil B.M.D. 50 Ways to Sleep Better. Lincolnwood: Publications International, Ltd., 1995. Maas, Dr. James B. Power Sleep. New York: Villard Books, 1998. MacGregor, Trish and Rob MacGregor. The Everything Dreams Book. Holbrook: Adams Media Corporation, 1998. Maguire, Jack. Night and Day. New York: Roundtable Press, 1989. Moss, Robert. Conscious Dreaming. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1996. Parker, Julia and Derek Parker. Complete Book of Dreams. New York: Dorling Kindersly Publishing, 1995. Your Life. Are Dreams Trying To Tell Us Something? USA Today Magazine. 18 Oct 1999. Annotated BibliographyAtkinson, Rita et al. Hilgards Introduction to Psychology. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Company, 1996. The twelfth edition of a book originated by Ernest Hilgard, this text covers a multitude of topics on a preliminary level with a purpose to scratch the surface of several psychological issues. Barrineau, Phil. A Re-examination of the Role of Dreams. Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 18 Oct 1999. Phil Barrineau explores the benefits of dream interpretation for use in the mental health field. Chopra, Deepak. M.D. Restful Sleep. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1994. In this book, Dr. Deepak details a new program created to help readers get a good nights sleep. Dotto, Lydia. Losing Sleep. New York: William Morrow Company, 1990. Lydia Dotto describes the various benefits of sleep, as well as the problems that can occur with sleep deprivation. Johansen, Erin. CD-Rom Helps People Interpret Their Own Dreams. Business Journal (Phoenix). 24 April 1998. This site offers information about a CD-Rom available to anyone interested in trying to interpret his or her own dreams. Kavey, Neil B.M.D. 50 Ways to Sleep Better. Lincolnwood: Publications International, Ltd., 1995. Dr. Kavey outlines multiple tips on how to prevent sleep problems. He further explains how to cope with problems, should they arise. Maas, Dr. James B. Power Sleep. New York: Villard Books, 1998. In his book, Dr. Maas shares various ways to gain a sufficient amount of sleep. MacGregor, Trish and Rob. The Everything Dreams Book. Holbrook: Adams Media Corporation, 1998. Trish and Rob MacGregor present a comprehensive guide on how to incubate, recall and interpret dreams. Additionally, this book provides a glossary of symbols and common dream topics and themes. Maguire, Jack. Night and Day. New York: Roundtable Press, 1989. Author Jack MaguirePresents a complete program concerning how to use dreams to reach designated goalsand results. Moss, Robert. Conscious Dreaming. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1996. The author reveals a nine-step plan to understanding dreams, including ways to shape the dreamers future. He also details the use of a dream journal to tap into unknown resources. Parker, Julia. Derek. Complete Book of Dreams. New York: Dorling Kindersly Publishing, 1995. As the title describes, this book covers a broad spectrum of dream themes, including sample dreams. It also contains a dictionary of common dream symbols and their meanings. Your Life. Are Dreams Trying To Tell Us Something? USA Today Magazine. 18 Oct 1999. This magazine article gives a quick, surface-level guide to dream interpretation. Words/ Pages : 2,559 / 24